Star Trek

Real-Life Biotech Firm Petitions Star Trek’s Federation on Reddit to Change Galactic Law

Colossal, who plan to bring back the wooly mammoth, clearly understand who they’re talking to on the Star Trek subreddit.

Colossal Laboratories and Biosciences, a biotech company that’s putting together plans to orchestrate the de-extinction for animals like the dodo and the wooly mammoth, made some waves on Reddit recently when they petitioned the United Federation of Planets — the fictional governing body of the Star Trek universe — to waive restrictions on gene editing. In-universe, laws passed following the Eugenics Wars create a scenario where cloning based on damaged or partial DNA would be virtually impossible, as Colossal couldn’t “fix” the holes in the DNA (think Jurassic Park using frogs to plug holes in the dinosaur DNA and you’re in the right neighborhood). It’s a fun way of bringing visibility to the company’s wildly ambitious plans, and for the most part, Reddit took it in the intended spirit.

The comments are full of very serious conversations about the laws of the Federation and how they would and would not apply to Colossal’s business. When one commenter notes that cloning itself isn’t forbidden, just editing to “improve” a being, Colossal counters that they previously “used genetic engineering to alter the embryos of the endangered Australian northern quoll to protect them against a poison excreted by an invasive species of cane toad,” a practice legal in the modern day but presumably covered by the Federation’s gene-editing ban.

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Some commenters even pointed out instances where, in-universe, Star Trek characters seem to have bent these roles for the greater good. Of course, its likely the writers just weren’t thinking about whether or not Dr. Crusher modifying Barclay’s immune system would be a criminal act.

You can “sign the petition” in question here, if you’re so inclined. Colossal, in addition to its de-extinction efforts directed at a number of animals, has scientists working on more conventional biosciences dealing with medical care, conservation, and the like, as well.

You can read the text of their application to the Federation below.

To the Esteemed Members of the Federation Council,

The early 21st century witnessed groundbreaking scientific advancements, one of the most significant being the development of CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) technology. This revolutionary technique allows for precise genetic modifications, offering unprecedented potential for therapeutic and scientific applications. However, the misuse of genetic engineering led to one of the darkest chapters in human history—the Eugenics Wars.

Led by the genetically enhanced superhuman Khan Noonian Singh, a group of scientists created a race of super people who sought to dominate the world. Their actions nearly led Earth to its destruction, feeding directly into the catastrophic Third World War. In the aftermath of these events, genetic engineering was universally outlawed on Earth and subsequently enshrined in Federation law.

This decision, while necessary to prevent the horrors of human genetic enhancement and eugenics, has also stymied the potential benefits of CRISPR technology. By imposing a total ban, we have inadvertently put many endangered species on the brink of extinction, limiting our ability to restore ecological balance and ensure a thriving planet for future generations.

We urge the Federation to re-evaluate this comprehensive ban and consider a more nuanced approach that allows for the responsible use of CRISPR technology for the preservation and protection of endangered animals.

Why Lift the Ban on Genetic Modification for Animal Preservation?

  1. Prevent the Extinction of Countless Species:

    • Many species are facing imminent extinction due to habitat loss, climate change, and other human-induced factors. CRISPR technology offers a lifeline by enabling us to enhance genetic diversity, bolster disease resistance, and adapt species to changing environments.

  2. Restore Ecological Balance:

    • The loss of any species can have cascading effects on entire ecosystems. By using genetic modification responsibly, we can restore ecological balance, ensuring that ecosystems remain resilient and functional.

  3. Ensure a Thriving Planet for Future Generations:

    • Our planet’s biodiversity is a precious resource that supports human well-being. Ensuring the survival of endangered species through genetic modification is crucial for maintaining the natural heritage that future generations will inherit.

Ethical Considerations

While human genetic enhancement must remain illegal to prevent a repeat of the Eugenics Wars, the application of CRISPR technology to animal preservation can be governed by strict ethical guidelines and oversight. The following principles should guide its use:

  • Transparency: All genetic modification efforts must be transparent and subject to rigorous ethical review.

  • Responsibility: Scientists and conservationists must adhere to the highest standards of responsibility, ensuring that modifications are safe and effective.


We acknowledge the Federation’s commitment to preventing the misuse of genetic engineering. However, the total ban on CRISPR technology is a double-edged sword that risks sacrificing our planet’s biodiversity. By lifting the restrictions on genetic modification for animal preservation, we can harness the power of CRISPR technology to avert the extinction of countless species, restore ecological balance, and ensure a thriving planet for future generations.

We, Colossal Biosciences, respectfully urge the Federation Council to reconsider the ban on genetic modification and adopt a more balanced approach that safeguards both ethical principles and the future of our natural world.

Together, we can boldly go where no conservation effort has gone before. 🖖✨