
Saw X Traps Explained

Saw X has some of the most violent traps of the series.

Saw X is quite possibly one of the most violent movies in the franchise thanks to its various traps. The Saw series has made a name for itself as one of the most violent franchises in cinema history. The series has been disparaged and written off as being “torture porn” due to its extreme levels of blood and gore, but others have argued that it has a ton of depth. Saw X seems to directly take this criticism head on as it has almost no violence in its first half hour (save for one quick scene) and features a lot of scenes that allow viewers to understand Jigsaw/John Kramer better through dialogue scenes.

That’s not to say Saw X cheaps out on the violence, though. It has some of the gnarliest traps in the series and there are even barf bags being handed out to people in certain screenings. One of the more unique things about Saw X is that the majority of the traps takes place pretty much in the same room, with most of the victims having their own unique trap they have to solve on their own. Most of the other movies are almost set up like a maze that the victims have to navigate their way through or we see different traps from different games unrelated to the main one. With that said, let’s break down the traps in Saw X

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Eyeball Vacuum Trap


The first trap we see in Saw X has been at the center of the marketing for the film. It’s on the poster, in the trailers, and has been heavily discussed leading up to the movie’s release. The trap is actually extremely different from the others as it never technically happens. John sees a custodian stealing from a patient at a hospital and imagines a trap for him. The trap sees the staff member tied down to a chair with long tubes attached to his eyes. To make up for having “sticky fingers”, the man must forcibly break his own fingers which are attached to a contraption that will bend them if he twists a knob. If he doesn’t break five fingers before the timer is up, his eyeballs will be sucked out of his head. Thankfully, the custodian opts to not steal anything and is therefore spared.

Pipe Bomb Trap


After Kramer realizes he’s been conned, he kidnaps the taxi driver, Diego, who took him to the supposed treatment center. In a warehouse, the man awakens with two pipe bombs sewn into the man’s arms and his hands are wrapped up with a blade at the end of each one. His only choice to survive is to use the blades to cut the bombs out of his arms before they explode. Diego narrowly survives and comes away with his arms horribly mutilated.

Gigli Saw Trap


After Kramer rounds up the key individuals who conned him, he brings them to the facility where they “operated” on him. Four people are tied to their own individual trap. The first one up is Valentina and she is strapped down to a pipe with a Gigli wire saw placed at neck height. If she fails her test, it will slice right through her and cut her head clean off. In order to survive, Valentina must saw off the majority of her right leg and then insert a tube into the stump to extract bone marrow. If enough marrow is deposited through the tube, she survives. Unfortunately, she takes too long to get all of the bone marrow extracted and has her head sliced off.

Brain Surgery Trap


After Valentina is killed, Kramer moves on to Mateo who “performed” his brain surgery. Mateo is stuck in a chair and must perform brain surgery on himself by watching a camera above his head. Billy the Puppet makes his signature appearance via tricycle and brings a table of tools in tow. He must pull out a piece of his brain with no anesthesia and then place it into acid which will cause a reaction to release a key to free him from the trap. Unfortunately, he fails and the time expires, causing a two-sided mask to close on his head and burn him.

Radiation Trap


Next up is Gabriela, someone who did X-Rays on John during his treatment. She is strung up off of the ground with one hand chained above her head and one leg chained out slightly to the side. She must use a hammer to break her arm and leg out of the chains before a giant machine emitting radiation burns her to death. Gabriela is actually able to succeed, but takes a lot of damage from the radiation and lies on the ground. Kramer notes they need to take her to the hospital since she won, but unfortunately, she is killed by one of the other victims of Kramer after she escapes from her own trap.

Bloodboarding Trap


Cecilia is the last surviving member of the game, but she ends up getting the upperhand on John and Amanda. She commands John to chain himself to her trap and then brings in a child that John had befriended during his treatment. The trap requires two people, so John must play with the child. The two are put on their back as they lie on a plank that has a see-saw type of design. They both have a lever that they each pull as well. Once the machine starts up, faucets of blood begins to pour on to both of their faces, creating a waterboarding effect. If one person pulls their lever, it will save the other person and force them to drown in blood. The two end up going back and forth with their levers to try and keep the other person alive for as long as possible.

Meanwhile, Cecila tries to escape with her partner, Parker Sears, and goes to a room upstairs which she believes houses $8 million in cash. However, John anticipated this would happen. When she reaches for the bag of money, it deactivates the bloodboarding trap and locks Cecila and Parker in the room. It’s then revealed that the bloodboarding trap was actually designed for Amanda and John as they expected Cecila to escape. The child, however, was never part of the plan which threw things off.

Toxic Gas Trap


The final trap sees Cecilia and Parker trapped in the upstairs room while it fills with gas. There is one small head-sized window that they can use to survive, but they must fight over it or risk having their skin burnt by this unknown toxic gas. Cecilia beats Parker and manages to survive the trap, but is left locked in the room after the gas disperses. After this, John, Amanda, and the child leave with the $8 million. We also see another trap in the mid-credits scene of , but we don’t really know much about it as we don’t see how it works before the scene ends.