
Fallout 76 Leak Reveals OP Effect That’s “Basically a Cheat Code”

There’s no way this Fallout 76 effect goes through…right?
Bethesda's Fallout 76

Fallout 76 got a new PTS update this week which means that there’s a bunch of new content from the next major update, Gleaming Depths, that’s available for testing. The patch notes for that Fallout 76 update include things like new effects for perks, combat rebalances for tons of different weapons like the Fatman, and much more, but not the changes revealed in the PTS that have caught the attention of Fallout 76 players. New four-star legendary effects have been datamined from the PTS update including one particular effect which players believe surely will get nerfed before it makes it to the game’s live servers.

That effect in question is called “Conductors,” and it’s a four-star legendary effect that players will be able to find on weapons at some point in the future when (and if) it’s added. It’s an effect which, according to the datamines, will fully restore not only a player’s health but also all of their AP if they land a critical hit with whatever weapon the effect is attached to. That means that if you’ve got any kind of weapon or build that remotely has a chance of hitting a crit, you can keep yourself healthy and in VATS nonstop so long as you’re able to land those consistently.

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“There’s no way conductors is going to make it live,” reads one Fallout 76 player’s response to this discovery which seems to sum up the community’s thoughts nicely. “Holy mothman that would be the most overpowered effect ever.”

As others have pointed out, this Fallout 76 effect was found through a datamine, a method of discovery which doesn’t always paint a full picture of what something looks like seeing how players weren’t meant to see it in the first place. That means that there very well may be limiters to this “Conductors” effect that aren’t apparent right away. It could have a pretty hefty cooldown, for example, so that players aren’t just in god mode all the time and only get a lucky save when they need it most after landing a crit. Others have speculated that the amount of health and AP restored could very well be nerfed, too, so that it restores a fixed amount or a percentage as opposed to fully bringing players back to 100%.

Fallout 76‘s test server update only just now landed this week, so it may be awhile longer before we see these four-star effects like Conductors actually implemented. Between now and then, don’t be surprised if Conductors gets hit with a nerf or some kind of limitation considering how strong it seems to be right now.