Batgirl #39 Makes a Major Change to Barbara’s World

Cecil Castellucci’s run on Batgirl is only a few issues in, but it has put Barbara Gordon through […]

Cecil Castellucci’s run on Batgirl is only a few issues in, but it has put Barbara Gordon through the proverbial wringer (and given her a new-ish costume). Various segments of Barbara’s world have begun to be put to the test — and it looks like that could have a devastating consequence. Spoilers for Batgirl #39, out this week, below! Only look if you want to know!

The issue opens with Barbara’s fight against Oracle, which she wins by enlisting the help of Black Canary, Batman, and Nightwing. Following the fight, Barbara learns that the backups of her Oracle program are offline, and she begins to lament the loss of that part of her life.

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(Photo: DC Comics)

Meanwhile, Oracle remarks to the Terrible Trio that she wants Barbara to feel the same pain that she did, leading to a suggestion that they manipulate Burnside in some way.

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(Photo: DC Comics)

As the issue goes along, Barbara and Jason Bard are sent to Burnside to canvas Alejo, which puts Barbara face-to-face with the neighborhood she once knew. She returns to Gotham and begins to investigate the effect that Lex Luthor’s offer is having on everyday citizens. Meanwhile, Oracle and the Terrible Trio have made their way to several locations in Burnside, where they set off an explosion that begins to burn the city. Oracle remarks that this should hopefully be enough for Batgirl to get her message.

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(Photo: DC Comics)

While there’s no telling exactly how this plotline will shake out, the notion that Burnside is in serious and potentially irreversible danger is certainly a major left-turn for the series. The series’ next solicitation, which you can check out below, seems to allude that Barbara will have to deal with the “burning of Burnside” firsthand.

variant cover by JAVIER FERNANDEZ
Oracle makes her move to confront the creator who abandoned herโ€ฆBatgirl! But first she must get our hero’s attention, and she’s got her sights set on Burnside. With the help of her new minions, the Terrible Trio, Oracle’s plans for revenge could mean the end for this hip Gotham neighborhood!
ON SALE 10.23.19
$3.99 US | 32 PAGES
This issue will ship with two covers.
Please see the order form for details.”

Batgirl #39 is available in stores now. Issue #40 will be released on October 23rd.